Members and Trustees
The Archdiocese of Birmingham Members of the St. John Paul II Multi Academy (SJPIIMA) are a small body whose responsibility it is to have an oversight of the Multi Academy’s affairs. They are Peter Vella, Jacqui Francis and Christopher Loughran.
Members’ primary responsibility is to:
- Amend the Articles of Association
- Appoint and remove Members/Directors
- Hold the Directors to account for the effective discharge of their duties
- Wind up the SJPIIMA.
The Foundation Directors of the Multi Academy are the Governing Board, with whom ultimate responsibility and accountability for the strategic running of the Multi Academy lies.
The role of the Governing Board
The Governing Board at St. John Paul II Multi Academy has a strong focus on three core strategic functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the Multi Academy
- Holding the CSEL to account for the educational performance of the schools within the Multi Academy and its pupils and students, and the performance management of staff; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the Multi Academy and making sure its money is well spent and its assets are used effectively.
Who are the Directors?
The Directors are a group of individuals with a broad mix of skills, knowledge and experience, and with a strong commitment to the MAC and the pupils and students that comprise the MAC. Directors are drawn from the business and local community.
MAC Pecuniary Interests and attendance 2022/23