St. John Paul II Multi Academy Directors 

Maria Perkins – Chair – Board of Directors and Catholic Life & Well Being

My involvement with the St. John Paul II MAC began in 2014 when I was appointed as an Academy Representative at St Joseph’s RC Primary School in September 2017. I was subsequently appointed as a Director of the St John Paul II MAC in 2015 and Chair of the Board of Directors in 2021. I am immensely proud and humbled to have been appointed as Chair of the Board of Directors for the St. John Paul II Multi Academy Company. The Directors of the STJPIIMAC bring both strong business acumen and extensive educational skills and knowledge and I feel privileged to be the Chair of the Board of Directors working with such a devoted team. The STJPIIMAC is absolutely committed to developing the ‘whole child’ and to helping pupils develop the highest of ambitions. We aim to deliver the finest learning environment for all and seek to provide inspirational experiences to help our young people achieve their potential, equipping them to become active and responsible members of the community in the ever-changing world in which we live. As an ambitious Multi Academy we have very high aspirations for the young people and diverse communities, which we serve. Our Catholic values underpin everything we do. As a Director I believe that we have a duty to ensure that we provide a high quality Catholic education that attracts both future staff and pupils so that our schools and parishes flourish. This needs to be sustainable so that we have a thriving family of schools to bequeath to the next generation. Outside of the SJPIIMAC I have a wide range of other interests. I am the Assistant County Commissioner for Birmingham Explorer Scouts, an Explorer Scout Leader, an avid Golfer and skier.


Patricia Platt — Vice Chair – Board of Directors & Chair of Audit & Finance

A Foundation Director of St John Paul II MAC since its inception, chair of MAC Audit & Finance committee and the Safeguarding Director. Patricia is a parishioner at St Nicholas, Boldmere and retired NHS IT Project Manager. As a former Academy Representative at St Nicholas’ Local Governing Board for over 20 years and a past Chair, Patricia brings a wealth of organisational skills and a determination to monitor and complete strategic projects. She is particularly adept at holding all to account in support of the best possible outcomes for young people.




Caroline McGovern MICM (Grad) – Vice Chair of HR & Ops and Audit & Finance

Caroline started as a Governor of Bishop Walsh in 2013 and was appointed Foundation Director in May 2020. Working full time as a qualified Credit Manager in the automotive industry she brings a wealth of experience especially around finance. Caroline is Vice Chair of the MAC Audit & Finance and HR & Ops Committees. Caroline is a parishioner of Holy Trinity and an active member of the Children’s liturgy. Her children attended both St Josephs and Bishop Walsh schools and she is very grateful for the excellent Catholic education they received. Caroline strives to ensure the MAC continues to provide the very best education and outcomes for all children in our schools.






Tom Bolger – Chair of HR & Ops

Tom has been a Foundation Director since January 2021 having served previously as a Foundation Governor at St Nicholas Catholic Primary school. Tom is a parishioner of Erdington Abbey Catholic Parish, Chair of the MAC HR, Operations and Wellbeing committee and the MAC Health and Safety Director. Tom has thirty years operational leadership experience within the Energy Sector with a key focus being people performance which included management of a Vocational Skills Training Centre that was developed into a National Skills Academy accredited provider. Most recently Tom has been responsible for the specification and build of an integrated Business Management Tool controlling the life cycle of utility projects delivery from sales design to construction adoption.




Sarah Reid – Vice Chair – Curriculum Standards and Pupil Well Being

Sarah has been a Foundation Director since 2021 and is Vice Chair of the Curriculum, Standards and Well Being Committee. She has worked as Vice Chair of Governors and also SEND Governor at SS Mary and John since 2019. Sarah has almost 30 years’ experience in education settings as a class teacher, SENDCo and for the last 7 years as a specialist teacher of SEND. Sarah works for Birmingham Local Authority in supporting schools with their strategic view of Special Educational Needs; including training and school improvement. This includes support for pupils from Early Years to Post 16. She is passionate about supporting our schools in providing the best quality of education for all our young people. Sarah is a parishioner at Holy Trinity Catholic Church and her children attended SJP2 MAC schools.



Rebecca Nash – Chair – Curriculum Standards and Pupil Well Being

Rebecca Nash was appointed as a Foundation Director in 2022. Rebecca currently works as Head of Standards at Lumen Christi MAC as well as being the Principal of St Brigid’s Catholic primary school. Rebecca has been a school leader for the last 18 years. She is an Ofsted inspector as well as an inspector of Catholic schools. Rebecca is passionate about providing the highest quality of Catholic education for all children and young people. Rebecca is a parishioner at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Sutton Coldfield and previously at SS Mary and John in Erdington.